You are loved.


We exist to share the Gospel of Jesus by loving our neighbors and serving their needs. We believe all people are sacred and made and worthy of love. Jesus reveals the purest, truest love – to lay down one’s life for another. We all need help. We all face challenges. Our aim is to love all, through all, in the grace and love of Jesus. We believe this love does more than relieve a burden. This love transforms families. This love brings revival to our city.


God loves you! He wants a personal relationship with you. Through His Son Jesus, He has made known His great love. If you believe Jesus is the Son of God who lived in the flesh, was crucified for your sins, and rose from the dead, you will be forgiven from your sins and receive eternal life in Christ. Through a relationship with Jesus you are invited to know, love, and be with God forever.


Coming soon 2025 …


[email protected]
Ezekiel City Inc. (Dear Detroit) is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization